
Upcoming Events

See our newsletters and Facebook for more details

Our regular meetings are typically the 2nd Sunday of the month at Trinity Lutheran Church (unless otherwise noted) with a ~June-August summer hiatus.

Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 504 S. Westnedge Ave, Kalamazoo, MI.  Parking is plentiful behind the church. Enter through the covered portico and take the elevator or stairs down to the fellowship hall in the basement.  

Norwegian Language Learning  @ Marshall District Library,  124 W. Green St, Marshall MI

Sons of Norway Hockey Team @ Wings West, 5076 Sports Dr, Kalamazoo, MI

Games are free and open to the public-  cheer on our sponsored team !    

Fri 1/10/25  9:10 p.m. (Blue)

Fri 2/7/25  10:15 p.m. (Blue)

Fri 2/21/25  9:00 p.m. (Red)

Sat 2/22/25  8:15 p.m. (Red)


Past Events  

Sunday 2/11/2024 2pm  We'll meet at Trinity for our potluck & program.  Terese & David Sherman will give a travel presentation about their 2023 trip  to Norway, including highlights from Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and Kjeragbolten!  

Friday 2/23 thru Sun 2/25/24  Michigan Nordic Fire Festival in Charlotte, MI.   

Friday nights   Calling all hockey fans: cheer on our Sons of Norway- Askeladden Lodge sponsored team at Wings West in Kalamazoo.  The dates of the next few matches are 3/8, 3/22,3/29 (times vary). Scroll down to view the updated fall/ winter schedule &details

Sunday 3/10/2024  2pm  Bring a dish to pass and join us as Gail Thompson-Hadley shares photos and adventures from her August 2023 trip to Norway on a folk-art, fjords, and rural life tour

Wednesday 3/13/2024  10:30am    Norwegian language learning group meets at Marshall District Library, Marshall, MI. Join in-person or by ZOOM (link to be e-mailed to all lodge members, non-members contact  

Saturday 3/16/2024 11am    Irish-American Club of Kalamazoo St. Patrick's Day Parade is back on!  Contact Joan O'Bryan ( for details or if you would like to march.

Sunday 4/14/2024  2pm  We'll potluck together and then enjoy an fun intro to "Alt for Norge," a Norwegian reality show with Norwegian-American contestants presented by Elizabeth Kraatz. Get ready for friendly team & individual competition for who is the most Norwegian!

Wednesday 4/17/2024  10:30am    Norwegian language learning group meets at Marshall District Library, Marshall, MI. Join in-person or by ZOOM (link to be e-mailed to all lodge members, non-members contact  

Sunday 5/19/2024 2pm  Let's celebrate Syttende Mai (17th of May) like the Norwegians do!  The Constitution Day Celebration will include a children's parade, patriotic singing and a special video viewing of Norway's King's Guard marching band & drill team.  We'll enjoy traditional hot dogs - bring a cold dish to pass (think picnic). All are also encouraged to bring a donation for one of our local food banks.

Saturday 6/15/2024  VASA Swedish-American Club has invited us to their traditional midsommar celebration, which will be held in Holly Jensen's garden in Kalamazoo.  Decorating the celebration pole and traditional lawn games start at noon, and a potluck follows at 2pm. Bring a summer dish to pass and a friend! See the June newsletter for details.  

Sunday 8/11/2024  2pm    Ice cream, ice cream, we all scream for ice cream! We're invited to Jeff & Diane Andert's lovely lakeside home near Battle Creek for our annual ice cream social. See our upcoming August newsletter for details.

Sunday 9/8/2024  2pm    Our fall kickoff meeting & potluck will be at Trinity Lutheran.  Askeladden Lodge youth member Alice Kraatz will Zoom in from Svalbard, Norway (above the Arctic Circle !) to share about her folkehøgskole first impressions.

Wednesday 9/11/2024  10:30am    Norwegian language learning group resumes at Marshall District Library, Marshall, MI. Join in-person or by ZOOM (link to be e-mailled to all lodge members, non-members contact

Sunday 10/6/2024  2pm:  We'll enjoy a  potluck at Trinity Lutheran Church, followed by a brief business meetingWe will wrap up early, so interested parties can attend the Early Music Michigan fall-focused chamber concert hosted by TLC at 4pm (see for tickets & details).

Wednesday 10/9/2024  10:30am    Norwegian language learning group meets and enjoys treats at Marshall District Library, Marshall, MI. Join in-person or by ZOOM (link to be e-mailled to all lodge members, non-members contact  

Saturday 10/12/2024  Lunchtime   Enjoy a lunch adventure at Longship Brewing Co. in Lawton. RSVP to Jeff Andert (see Oct newsletter for details).

Sunday 11/10/2024 2pm   Bring your aprons and brush off your baking skills for our lefse-making party! Lefse dough will be provided, but bring lefse making tools or grills if you have them. We'll have a simple potluck-  cold items only-  dessert will be the yummy lefse we make (plus butter, sugar and jam of course). Also consider bringing non-perishable food and/or monetary donations for our food pantry drive.

Wednesday 11/13/2024 10:30am   The Norwegian language study group  and other Lodge members are invited to the Battle Creek home of Joanna Phelps for class followed by a luncheon (see Nov newsletter for details). 

Saturday 11/23/2024  Get into the holiday spirit with the Kalamazoo Maple Hill Holiday Parade, which kicks off at 11am (marchers meeting earlier).  If you'd like to march, contact Kris Spence to sign up and get a costume.

Saturday 12/14/2024 2pm  We are invited to join our VASA Swedish American friends for the Santa Lucia and Jul holiday celebration at Trinity Lutheran!  We'll start upstairs in the sanctuary with the traditional procession. We'll then gather downstairs for appetizers, cookies, & gløgg to await a visit from Father Christmas. Bring cookies to share (extra credit for Scandinavian baking)! If you know a young person who would like to participate in costume, contact Holly Jensen (see Nov newsletter).

12/7/2024- 1/2/2025   If you're in need of some holiday friluftsliv ("outdoor life"), take a stroll and check out the giant  holiday card by Askeladden Lodge in Portage's Celery Flats Park (7328 Garden Lane).  Each year Portage families, businesses and civic organizations help create a festive atmosphere with 8 foot-tall cards and themed Christmas trees. Celery Flats is part of a lovely walking/ biking trail that is kept plowed in the winter time.